Vision and Mission

To be a Gospel-centered people and families in the Beaches community and beyond.

Celebrating the Gospel by

Loving Everyone

Celebrating the Gospel by

Growing in Christ

Celebrating the Gospel by

Going into the World

Celebrating the Gospel by

Loving Everyone

Celebrating the Gospel by

Growing in Christ

Celebrating the Gospel by

Going into the World

Our Beliefs

We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith in boldness and passion.

  • God

    We believe in one God eternally existing as one essence and three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, each of whom is fully God, yet there is one God. (Matthew 28:18-20)

  • The Bible

    We accept the Bible, including the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament, as the written Word of God. The Bible is an essential and infallible record of God's self-disclosure to mankind. It leads us to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Being given by God the Scriptures are both full and verbally inspired by God. The Scriptures are the authoritative and normative rule and guide of all Christian life, practice, and doctrine. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

  • Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was the eternal Word made flesh, supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He was perfect in nature, teaching and obedience. He is fully God and fully man.

    He is the only Savior for the sins of the world, having shed his blood and died a vicarious death on Calvary's cross. By his death in our place, he revealed the divine love and upheld divine justice, removing our guilt and reconciling us to God. Having redeemed us from sin, the third day he rose bodily from the grave, victorious over death and the powers of darkness and for a period of forty days appeared to over five hundred witnesses, performing many convincing proofs of his resurrection. He ascended into heaven where, at God's right hand, he intercedes for his people and rules as Lord over all.

  • Salvation

    We believe that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. (Ephesians 2:8)

  • The Church

    We believe in the power and significance of the Church and the necessity of believers to meet regularly together. (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)

  • The Gospel

    The gospel is the good news of God’s grace invading the darkness of this world. It is the grand narrative of creation, fall, redemption and consummation ordained by God and orchestrated through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. Christ’s crucifixion is the heart of the gospel. His resurrection is the power of the gospel. His ascension is the glory of the gospel.

    Christ’s death is a substitutionary and propitiatory sacrifice to God for our sins. It satisfies the demands of God’s holy justice and appeases His holy wrath. It also demonstrates His mysterious love and reveals His amazing grace. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. There is no other name by which men can be saved. At the heart of all sound doctrine is the cross of Jesus Christ and the infinite privilege that redeemed sinners have in glorifying God because of what He has accomplished.

    Therefore, we want all that takes place in our hearts, churches and ministries to proceed from and be related to the gospel.

  • Distinctives

    At First Christian Church of the Beaches we hold to beliefs that are distinctive.

    I - We believe that the Lord's Supper should be offered weekly and is open to all who believe in Christ to partake. (Acts 20:7)

    II - We believe that Baptism is for believers and enacted by immersion. (Acts 2:38)